
Welcome Pair

We look forward to successful partnership together as we build towards a sustainable and electric future.

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About Pair

Pair digitalises, electrifies and automates hotel parking with the help of smart technology. Together with the hotel, Pair formulates a digital parking solution and you as a hotel guest receive the possibility to book your parking – or EV charging space in advance, even before you’ve started your journey. No one has missed the fact that the electric car market is growing extremely fast. At Pair, we believe that you as a hotel do not want to miss the chance to be part of the parking of the future.

We are the stress-free solution for both private individuals and companies. Regardless of whether you drive fossil-free or not, we have attractive and convenient parking that suits you.

Today, Pair holds agreements with hotels and property owners, including several hotels from the major chains Best Western, Elite Hotels, Nordic Choice Hotels, Scandic Hotels and Radisson Hotels.